WOLVERINE! - Auto-tuning on Black Ops 2

- Dyskusja oraz wasze zdanie na temat:
lol got drums can you autotune to the song called takeing over by 7lions?
Hey drums on you I was Wiseman China
Is the melody rolling thunder or something like that? If it is we played it in band!
I'm watching this in April fools
You should put this up on iTunes. ITS AWESOME
Got drums is real

Is this the real got drums? Naaa it just says Got Drums and he is auto-tuning on Xbox. 
Do a five nights at Freddy rap song
Sounds like Rolling in the Deep by Adele.
Song is rolling in deep
on my birthaday ;_;
Can you sing home
wich song was dat
dude this is so cool
This was the first got drums video i ever watched 
can i9 get the song
i like the guy who said "no hes fake its april fools APRIL FOOLS!!"
why do people always say he is fake lol .. like u cant have the same name as him .. doesnt work like that
You should put this on iTunes!
- Dołączcie do dyskusji.


Widziano: 322322 w ods.
Czas: 3m 6s w s.
Ocena: 6869 w pkt.
Powyższe dane dotyczą
WOLVERINE! - Auto-tuning on Black Ops 2.