GOTTA CATCH MISS BATMAN! - Cod-O-Tune! Black Ops 2 Autotuning

- Dyskusja oraz wasze zdanie na temat:
1 Minute of silence for our fallen brother
what kind of voice changer does he use
Can You Play All About The Bass
I'm A. Grli. Hi.
Backround music when drums was singing what is love?
2:30 Random friend requests!?! Seriously guys.... T_T
When will people learn that they will not be friends with famous youtubers like him... By being friends with their victims!
Hey I caught a sneeze the other day
Still A Better story than twilight......XD
Got Drums Reset

Dis4sterpiece is better than u he's master prestige
The guy at 3:37

I love every single auto tune you do do you have ps3 callofduty black ops

Honestly, everyone is hatin' on them...I find it stupid. Just please leave them alone. (Trying to polite)
Never thought I had a female version of me. 
Patty cake means *
4:41 was the funniest part OMG haha
- Dołączcie do dyskusji.


Widziano: 739649 w ods.
Czas: 4m 40s w s.
Ocena: 14616 w pkt.
Powyższe dane dotyczą
GOTTA CATCH MISS BATMAN! - Cod-O-Tune! Black Ops 2 Autotuning.