Build a CB Radio Crystal set

lekarz rodzinny
Excellent video . I have salvaged a few "old time" variable capacitors and they are getting hard to find . Is there a place that you could recommend to order variable capacitors and potentiometers ? . Thanks so much for a seriously interesting video .
I like the background music who is it?
What are the parts and where can i find them?
yeah channel 6 is extreme power alright. highly illegal rigs with so much wattage that i can hear guys from the deep south here in new york, and sometimes the splash over is so bad i get them on 5-7 different channels. I hate it.

it is a 1n34 not a in34 diode, you should try and make a loop antenna for it so no ground needed...

Here is my tutorial, here are the parts, no links but I swear you can find them. oh and to make your radio here are some old radio parts I will be using. Please for the sake of the internet don't make anymore tutorials.
I have the same mixer as you! lol
Very nice I also thought Crystal radios were only Am radio type radios. That would be a nice project for anyone to build.
I notice the old am radio nearby, are you using that as a VFO?
i build one but why do pick up am radio stations no where near 27-28 mhz

muito legaul, bacana mesmo!
Very cool indeed!!
I 'll try to build my own cb radio following the instructions you give here.
How much the value of the variable capacitor?
why is channel 6 the strongest???
70 foot long wire antenna is too long try 18 feet.
Would this work using say 20 gauge solid wire 
- Dołączcie do dyskusji.


Widziano: 75843 w ods.
Czas: 13m 15s w s.
Ocena: 292 w pkt.
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Build a CB Radio Crystal set.